JAKARTA - Garlic and onions are two kitchen ingredients that never escape from the cooking routine. Usually people peel onions before processing and remove the skin. But did you know that onion peel also has many benefits? From the appearance of the onion skin it looks dirty and unappetizing. Its paper-like texture is difficult to chew and often makes you choke.

However, the texture is created because the onion skin is rich in cellulose and many other nutrients. Garlic peel also contains vitamins A and C, and is rich in the anti-inflammatory antioxidant phenylpropanoid. Research has also found that garlic peel has strong antimicrobial properties, as reported by ANTARA from the MindBodyGreen page.

Peeling garlic is actually the same as removing the antioxidant phenylpropanoid which protects the heart and helps fight the aging process and helps boost immunity and lower cholesterol. Not only that, the onion skin also has the benefits of regular lubricants to make the skin look younger and more supple.

Triple board-certified dermatologist Mamina Turegano, MD, and her 72-year-old mother say they can have supple, youthful-looking skin thanks to onion peel tea. A study confirmed this and explained that the Quercetin in onion peel helps fight inflammation and free radicals, two things that can cause aging and fine lines. Quercetin can also protect the skin from sun damage.

While any onion peel can be used, onions also contain high levels of anthocyanins, beneficial pigments that are also anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial, and thus can contribute to healthy, glowing skin. Onion skin that is processed into tea can also make the body more relaxed. This is because the tryptophan content in onion peel tea can contribute to better sleep quality.

If you combine onion peel with another soothing herbal tea, such as chamomile, you may be able to really optimize it as a means of promoting better sleep. Here is how to process and use onion skins to get the maximum benefits.

Onion tea

The easiest way to reap the benefits of onion skin is through tea. Onion skin is rich in various vitamins such as E and C, plus an amino acid called tryptophan and the antioxidant quercetin. In fact, onion skin contains more quercetin than meat.

Add washed and drained onion skins to your green tea as it brews. According to one study, it may help increase the bioavailability of epicatechins—the main beneficial compounds, such as EGCG, in green tea. EGCG can combat inflammation, promote weight loss, and help fight chronic diseases, such as heart disease and diabetes.

Onion Chips

You can process garlic peels into chips. Sophia Roe, chef and host of TV show Counter Space shares a mouth-watering recipe for garlic chips on her Instagram page. She recommends dipping the garlic skins in olive oil, sprinkling them with a pinch of salt, and roasting them for 10 minutes at 180 degrees Celsius until they turn into crispy, crunchy "chips." You can mix it into salads or sprinkle it wherever you need a boost of flavor (and crunch).

Grilled Onion

In addition, you can roast the garlic along with the skin. Any garlic lover will tell you that roasted garlic is a delicacy. The peel keeps the garlic soft, contributes to the flavor, and ensures you get the beneficial nutrients found in the skin.

Nutrient addition to rice

Mix in some onion peel while cooking the rice for an extra vitamin. Be sure to let it soak while the rice is cooking. Just remove the skin after cooking. Flavor and fragrance enhancers While each skin type has its own uses, you can also combine them for more benefits. Add the onion peel to the soup for a better aroma and taste.

Garlic and onions are the basis of most soups, but why not use the skins too? This not only enhances the taste, but also adds skin nutrition to your diet. However, be sure to strain the skin before eating. If soup isn't on the menu anytime soon, you can use onion peel to make a vegetable stock for later use.

You can also use garlic peel and onion skin to flavor other savory dishes, such as freshly baked bread or rice. Simply dry the peel, then turn it into a powder by crushing it in a blender or grinding it in a food processor.

Relieve itchy skin

Onion and garlic peels have antifungal properties that make them effective for relieving itchy skin problems, including water fleas. Apply the onion skin soaking water to your skin to soothe it. So instead of throwing the onion peel in the trash, make the most of it. You can use it to enhance the taste of soups and broths and keep skin supple and glowing.

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