JAKARTA - Jessica Iskandar and Vincent Verhaag held a press conference regarding the fraud they experienced. Jessica was deceived by the car rental business and lost thousands of US dollars.

"So this fraud started when I moved to Bali in 2020. I was offered to endorse a car, in collaboration with trip id. Where I was loaned a car by trip.id for one week in exchange for a promotion on Instagram. With a contact person, Claudia's mother, "said Jessica was met in Jakarta, Thursday, July 14.

When Alphard was escorted by Claudia, Jessica was told that the trip id commissioner, named Chritoper Stefanus Budianto or who is usually called Steven, wanted to meet and invite his girlfriend, Tifani to have dinner.

"After the meeting, I was invited to talk business. That is to leave my private car, Aphard with number B 73 DAR to be rented by Steven through Steven's company for one year. Because I didn't use the car and in Jakarta, Steven offered to take the car and offered to share profit of Rp. 66 million per 3 months," he said.

Steven said that the BPKB and STNK of Jessica's car must be kept by Steven because the car will be borrowed by state officials, so the ownership status must be clear and the car's number plate will be replaced temporarily. "Over time, when I bought a Mini Cooper, Steven again offered to rent a car with a profit sharing of Rp. 30 million per month. Because at that time it was still a license plate for assistance, Steven offered to arrange a vehicle registration and I believed it," he added.

"After that, Steven always offered to me if a car was sold or pawned. I was interested so I bought 4 Aphards and received a mortgage from the car owner, two Porsches and one Hammer through Steven. me," said the mother of two.

And Steven again offered to rent the cars through trip id with different benefits for each car. In addition, Steven and Jessica also jointly bought a Mercedes Benz car that already has a tenant, namely the Arab embassy. And one unit of Land Cruiser which is said to be rented by the corporation for one year.

"All these luxury vehicles, Steven said that they would be rented out by state officials and officials. And for the G20 in Bali. Again, Steven also assured me that the license plates would be replaced for rental purposes. In addition, there was also an amount of USD 30 thousand which was promised to be purchased. Rp. 15,000 per dollar," he said, quoted from Paragram Official.

Unfortunately, it turns out that all the sweet promises of benefits offered to Jessica are lies.

"Two months after buying the Mercedes, the car dealer asked me if it was true that I was selling the car back. I didn't sell it but leased it through Steven," he recalls.

That's how jessica realized she was deceived. "When I checked it turned out that the transfer to me never came in. All the proof of the transfer was never entered into my account, there were only a few at the beginning which were correct. The rest Steven sent me proof of fake transfers including transfers of USD purchases," he said.

"When I was in Jakarta, my household assistant reported that the Hammer car that was pawned to me was taken by the owner who claimed to have never pawned his car. When my husband was able to call, Steven was already in Singapore and admitted the fraud was true," explained Jessica.

Currently, Jessica Iskandar's report is being processed by Polda Metro Jaya. "I thank the police for being responsive in accepting my report and calling witnesses. I hope there will be no more fraud in the future," he concluded.

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