YOGYAKARTA – Children who are new to school may need a little more planning and attention from their parents. The reason, because this new habit will change the schedule on a large scale. Therefore, parents need to pay attention to the following things so that all activities are balanced and priorities are not missed.

1. School hours

Most of the child's time is spent at school. However, according to VeryWell Family, Tuesday, July 12, students can spend between three and seven hours a day at school depending on their age and how the school system works. This figure does not include trips to and from school and school activities.

2. Doing homework

Effective time for doing homework or homework from school, for 10 minutes per grade level. This is based on research by Harris Cooper of Duke University which suggests that 10 minutes per grade level is effective. But the duration of this homework can be relative depending on school policies, teacher philosophy, and the type of subject your child is taking.

Illustration that parents need to pay attention to when their new child enters school (iStockphoto)
3. Socialize with classmates

Entering a new class will certainly make new friends. This means that children need to hone their skills in socializing. Experts agree that school-age children have friends. By having friends, listening, sharing, and problem solving skills are honed. Children will also learn how to handle their emotions through relationships with other children.

4. Get enough rest

The most effective rest for children is sleep. Every child needs a different amount of sleep according to their age. But regardless of age, children need adequate sleep. Not getting enough sleep, often associated with falling asleep during school or skipping school.

5. Discipline when eating

Most experts recommend 20 to 30 minutes to eat. And it takes 10 to 15 minutes to eat a small snack. Like adults' bodies, children's bodies need 20 minutes after eating before they start to feel full.

To make sure your child has plenty of time to eat without feeling rushed, emphasize the importance of eating with the family. In addition, count the portions so you don't feel full and feel uncomfortable.

6. Physically active

Physical activity in children is beneficial in improving fitness, strengthening muscles and bones, and improving cognition and memory. The long-term effect of the data is improving academic performance and reducing symptoms of stress. Therefore, make sure children are physically active.

7. Electronic use

For years, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) provided strict recommendations to limit the use of any electronic device to a few hours a day. But at the end of 2016, the announced guidelines were much stricter. This change occurs because electronics and screentime have become a part of life. Such as children using tablets and computers at school, gadgets for daily communication, and the internet for homework. Not to mention they access entertainment via electronic devices.

Therefore parents need to ensure where and when the screen-free zone is so that they learn discipline in using their device.

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