JAKARTA - Luna Maya is known as one of the celebrities who like to travel. After from Amsterdam and Paris, now he is in South Korea.
The holiday outfit she wears never fails and always inspires people. Especially Luna Maya's appearance when she visited Lotte World in Seoul, South Korea.
Appearing cute wearing a typical Korean school uniform, Luna Maya's appearance reaped a lot of praise from netizens. Here's the full portrait,

Luna Maya and her colleague, Marianne Rumantir seemed to visit a popular tourist spot in South Korea, Lotte World.

Luna Maya's appearance when she visited Lotte World also successfully stole the attention.

The 38-year-old artist was seen wearing a typical Korean school uniform. He combined a short-sleeved white shirt with a yellow plaid mini skirt.

His appearance was completed with a black tie with a striped motif, and white sneakers.

Luna's upload immediately reaped various comments from netizens. Not a few netizens praised his appearance, which still matched the school uniform, so that he was called as a teenager.
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