YOGYAKARTA The way a person expresses emotions has an effect on relationships with others. When a person is not responsible for his emotions, he can easily judge. Judging is reactive behavior in responding to others. The only way to be more introspective and not judge, is to be responsible for our emotions, anxiety, and defensive reactions.

In The Change Triangle Hillary Jacobs Hendel, praxistically and universally shows how emotions work in the mind and body. Because everyone has emotions, to avoid violence, anxiety, emotions, and trauma, we must learn about emotions, Hendel's advice, reported by Psychology Today, Friday, July 8.

The triangle of emotional change, could be a brake not to easily judge, accuse, and blame each other. We need to stop the cycle of negatives and communicate at a deeper level. Well, instead of accusing others of demeaning us, it's better to calm down by asking yourself 'what emotion is it's going on'.

Simply put, one needs to identify, name, and respect all core emotions such as anger, shame, and anxiety. Actually, a person judges and accuses others of being self-defense. But it is not appropriate to express it, it can even hurt yourself and others. That's why it's easier for a person to judge, rather than being introspective. Because self-aware needs emotional awareness.

The human mind, according to Hendel, always makes judgment quickly. But every person and every relationship requires emotional awareness. Why? Because with emotional awareness, we have a new assessment to grow and connect with each other authentically.

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