JAKARTA - Britney Spears and Sam Asghari officially married on Thursday, June 9. The event, which was held behind closed doors, was attended by their family and closest friends.
Britney Spears appearance is a concern. The mother of two children looks more fashionable and beautiful on her happy day. Here are 5 portraits of Britney Spears in her wedding dress:
Versace Design DressesBritney Spears wedding gown designed by Donatella Versace. This dress is designed with a satin veil and a white necklace to be worn during the main event.
Classic and Luxury
Off-shoulder sleeves add a luxurious feel to the dress that showcases the diva's curves. At the bottom, the skirt is made of a V-shaped leg slit to make it look level.
700 Hours
Launching CNN International, the wedding dress was made more than 700 hours by fashion house tailors. Britney is also said to have become a customer of Versace in designing clothes.
“Designing Britney and Sam's wedding outfits came naturally to me. Lots of love poured into every detail with the studio. We make dresses and tuxedos that are both elegant and luxurious. They are perfect," Versace said in a statement.
Versace is the figure behind several Britney Spears appearances. The white dress she wore meant a new part of freedom. It is known that this marriage was held after Britney was declared free from the conservatory in 2021.
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