JAKARTA - Often adults misperceive the terms sex and sexuality. So this matter is considered taboo to be discussed. Sex is everything that involves the genitals and relationships between sexes. While sexuality is everything that involves the way of thinking, feeling, dressing, expressing opinions, and behaving according to their gender.

When you teach sexuality to children, you are actually educating children about the process of life starting from birth, in toddlerhood, preschool, school age, preteen, adolescent, and adult. Children are also taught about their personality traits, provide a strong identity about their roles as male and female, inform the overall experience of being male and female, as well as the dimensions of gender roles.

Sexuality education also provides an understanding of attitudes, values, morals. Then, the perception of healthy relationships when children reach adulthood and how they should maintain the health of their reproductive organs. Sexuality education will not encourage children to engage in sexual activity. Instead, it encourages children to have positive relationships and understandings about sexuality in the future.

The nervousness and stuttering of parents in explaining sexuality issues to children are influenced by the culture of the majority of society. In fact, when a child asks a question, it means that there is a need in him to get an answer. That is, children begin to realize the existence of themselves and others in the environment.

Naturally, curiosity arises, wants to explore, and carry out experimental activities. Just to satisfy his curiosity. Children who lack information about sexuality are easily carried away by the 'persuasions' of predators around their children.

So, what are the stages of child sexuality education? Launching the Parenting page, Monday, June 13, the following is an explanation.

Age 0-3 years Start by introducing and naming the genitals according to the sex of the child, namely the penis and vagina. Other names given will make children confused. Around the age of 2-3 years, teach children toilet training activities and how to gradually clean their genitals. Age 3-5 years Children begin to ask questions about pregnancy and begin to understand that pregnancy is only experienced by women. You begin to provide information and understanding about the gender roles of men and women. Children are given the understanding that their bodies are their own, so parents need to teach them privacy. Teach him about good and bad touch, and which parts of the body are allowed or not to be touched. Begin to grow shyness in children, for example when he refuses to use a towel out of the bathroom. Ages 6-12 Reinforce children's understanding of social rules or norms regarding personal matters. Starting at the age of 8 years, children have been introduced to information about puberty, namely about menstruation and wet dreams. Some children experience early puberty before the age of 10. Preadolescents get more in-depth information about biological reproduction. Preteens need to understand healthy friendships and unhealthy relationships. Social values are more deeply understood by children, for example exposing oneself is harmful and must be avoided. Understanding of STD (sexually transmitted diseases) and the risk of early pregnancy.

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