JAKARTA - A Muslim imam, Qari Asim was fired from his position as an adviser to the British Government.

He was fired because of a protest against the film The Lady of Heaven which tells the story of the life of the Prophet Muhammad's daughter, Fatimah.

Reported by Arab News, Sunday, June 12, the British government dismissed Qari Asim for sparking protests against the film about the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad SAW.

Last week, Muslim groups in Britain protested against screening the film because it was considered blasphemy and asked to cancel its screening in UK cinemas.

The announcement of the cancellation of screenings came after Asim posted on Facebook on Monday 6 June 2022 stating the film had hurt Muslims.

In a letter to Asim, the government said the Facebook posts did not match his status as deputy chair of the official working group on anti-Muslim hatred.

There was no immediate comment from Asim, who also served as the government's independent adviser on Islamophobia until his dismissal.

The drama is billed as the first film about the life of the Prophet Muhammad's daughter Fatimah, and draws on the relationship between the Daesh group in the 21st century and historical figures in Sunni Islam.

Malik Shlibak, the film's executive producer, complained to The Guardian newspaper that cinema chains were crumbling under the pressure.

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