YOGYAKARTA – Providing sensory stimulation with the aim of getting sexual satisfaction is known as sensory sex. This term can be imagined when you close your eyes when French Kiss with your partner. The touch of the lips will feel more intense, leading to feelings of excitement getting up and down.

According to Megwyn White, a board-certified clinical sexologist, sensory stimulation during sex can increase sexual intimacy and pleasure. Sensory sex and orgasm have far-reaching effects that support the overall well-being of the body, she added.

Sensory sex can support creativity and liven up the atmosphere when doing it alone with your partner. Sensory sex engages as many senses as possible to help increase sexual pleasure and deepen intimacy. Most often done is to give stimulation by touch. But there are a number of important elements that can be combined. Such as involving visual and auditory senses.

Sensory sex can help you release the pressure that comes with it. Besides also building a focus on the climax. White suggests, consider something like sound that can guide eroticism and add an aural texture to the fun. Like 'dirty' talk that involves the sense of hearing. It could also play music to increase sensory sex.

Meanwhile, to provide visual stimulation, you and your partner can stare at each other. Now, to integrate the senses of sight and touch, you can close your eyes but give a touch at the sensual point by playing certain rhythms, rhythms, and movements.

Smell is considered one of the most erotic senses, in the context of sensory sex. When the brain's limbic system regulates emotions, long-term memory and sexual impulses are awakened. You can add notes of vanilla and sandalwood or find out your preferences and which pair of scents can arouse your passion.

Even small things, such as a little touch combined with scent, background music, and intimate gaze can build pleasure towards sexual satisfaction. This simple thing requires creativity and agreement from each partner. So, it is not difficult to make love life more fun and satisfying.

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