YOGYAKARTA – When driving, especially in long distances or stopping at many destinations, it makes someone leave some things in the car. But it turns out that often left behind, it's better to just carry it in a bag. The reason is that certain objects can decrease in quality if they are left stored in the vehicle. What are those things? Here's the list.

1. Drugs

Carrying medicines for first aid, you need to store them in a safe bag. Better yet, store it in an airtight box. One more important thing, don't leave your bag and medicine box in the car.

Most medications should be left at room temperature. But when the car is parked and not in use, the temperature will change so that it changes the content of the drug and makes it less effective at working.

2. Electronic items

Starting from laptops, gadgets, to disks that store data containing important information can be easily stolen if left in a parked car. If you are in a position to store the laptop in the car, make sure it is under supervision.

3. Sunscreen

While on a trip, don't leave sunscreen out of your hand bag. Left in the car, sunscreen can decrease its effectiveness. Reported by Reader's Digest, Sunday, June 5, the heat in the car can cause sunscreen bottles to explode.

benda yang tidak boleh ditinggal dalam mobil
Illustration of objects or items that should not be left in the car (iStockphoto)
4. Water bottle

Water bottles with ingredients listed as BPA and phthalates, if allowed to heat up, can cause these chemicals to leach into the water. This means, don't leave mineral water bottles made of plastic in a car that is stopped or not moving.

5. Glasses

There is a compartment on the dashboard of the car to put things, including small items such as glasses. But leaving glasses or sunglasses on the dashboard makes them worse, says American Optometric Association spokeswoman Susan Thomas.

6. Wine

After arriving at the destination, if you bring wine, immediately move it to a cool place. Because leaving a wine bottle in a car at a high temperature can make the liquid expand and come out of the bottle.

7. Foodstuffs

When you end your trip or arrive home, immediately move your groceries or groceries out of the car. The reason is, some foods are easily damaged if left in the car. These foodstuffs need to be put in the refrigerator within two hours.

8. Lipstick

Lipstick has a limit resistance in a certain temperature. If left in an airtight room and the temperature rises when the car is after use, the lipstick can melt. Keep the lipstick unchanged and take it out in a carry-on bag rather than leaving it in the car.

Those are eight objects or items that should not be left in the car. Are there any of the above items that you often leave in your car?

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