JAKARTA - Doddy Sudrajat seems difficult to reconcile with Aunt Andriansyah's father, H Faisal. Vanessa Angel's father revealed three disappointments that had been buried in his heart.

First, Doddy Sudrajat was disappointed because his son was never officially proposed by Aunt Ardiansyah's parents. "Brother F never gave permission to daddy at Vanessa and Aunt's wedding. Maybe later you can ask Mr. Faisal, why he never came to my house before," said Doddy Sudrajat as quoted from Paragram Official, Monday, May 30.

Second, as is often stated, Doddy does not agree with the donation for the Sky Andriansyah Gala. Doddy Sudrajat was disappointed because the act without his permission continued.

"Donation is illegal. Not permission to me, but carrying the name of my grandson," he said.

Third, regarding the plan to move Vanessa Angel's grave. Doddy felt his desire to unite Vanessa's grave with his mother was ignored at all. Especially after knowing that Vanessa Angel's grave was repaired by skipper 99.

Actually, Haji Faisal had already explained the reason for not seeing Doddy Sudrajat for Vanessa and Bibi's wedding. On the sidelines of the Gala custody trial, in March 2022, Haji Faisal told about how his son met Vanessa's parents and asked for their blessing to get married. Aunt waited long enough to ask Vanessa's parents' blessing to get married.

"Ask for your blessing, it's been a long time, it's been a long time. The letters are being taken care of, what's not approved? In fact, the letter is out, if it's not approved, the letter won't come out, all the letters are out," explained Haji Faisal.

Dewi Zuhriati also said that it was Doddy Sudrajat who took care of the letters to the village. So finally the late Vanessa and the late Bibi were able to get married in Cinere.

"So Mr. Doddy took care of the letter to the village, so he finally got married in Cinere," explained Dewi.

Haji Faisal said that he wanted to visit Doddy. However, this was canceled because Vanessa forbade her to meet Doddy. "I've wanted to come to his father several times, but Vanes forbids 'no need to, sir'," he explained.

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