YOGYAKARTA – The first impression can be left in memory, not because of a beautiful or handsome appearance. Introducing names may be one of the most common ways, but considering that human memory is limited to things that make an impression, scientific research is carried out to explore the relationship between memory and the uniqueness of a person so that they are remembered.

Do you have some memorable list of people? Regardless of the experiences you share with the person, studies suggest that it is possible that their uniqueness in some ways makes them memorable. For example, a woman in a red dress, a man in a pocket watch, or a child in running shoes.

Another study, reported by Psychology Today, Monday, May 30, someone can be remembered unexpectedly and unusually. Not that he was the most handsome person in the room, but rather an ordinary person with unique characteristics. Like having a warm personality and making everyone comfortable when they are themselves.

Wiese, et al. in 2014 researched and found that less attractive faces are easier to remember than people with attractive faces. Participants in the study acknowledged that different faces were easy to remember.

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Illustration to make it easy for someone to remember (Unsplash/Redd)

Lorenzo, et al. in 2010 in What Is Beautiful Is Good and More Accurately Undestood found a different point of view. His findings are that we pay attention to attractive people, which by their appearance leads us to pay more attention to them.

This study involves participants' routines to face each other with strangers or known as round-robin. Participating foreigners take this trial for three minutes. The results reinforce the stereotype that 'attractive is better' in the sense that physically attractive individuals are perceived as more desirable. In addition to the findings of this study, people who are interesting but have personality traits are more likely to be remembered.

The senses contribute to revealing the phenomenon of beauty, namely the eye. Attractiveness, according to Lorenzo's research, is also related to relationship positivity and impression accuracy. Even people who are not generally viewed as attractive can benefit from stereotypes of physical attraction when observers find them attractive. In addition, individual preferences and personality characteristics also play a role in remembering a person in memory.

According to Wendy L. Patrick, JD, Ph.D., behavioral analyst, regardless of appearance, how people engage in the feeling dimension makes you more memorable. This is usually much more important than the objective attractiveness level. That is, if you feel good about yourself, it's probably the best way to be remembered.

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