Duck Syndrome, When You Look Happy But Actually Suffering
Ilustrasi (Xijian/Istockphoto)

JAKARTA - Each individual must have different problems and problems in life. However, everyone also has their own way of dealing with and overcoming all the problems they face.

There are people who actually look calm and fine but are actually depressed by the various life problems they face. This is known as duck syndrome.

Duck syndrome occurs when you try to create the illusion of a perfect life but work hard beneath the surface to keep things safely under control. This term is analogous to a duck swimming as if it were very calm, but its legs struggled to move to keep its body above the surface of the water.

People with duck syndrome are very afraid if other people find out that their lives are not as perfect as they appear. There are many factors that influence the occurrence of this duck syndrome, one of which is environmental factors, parenting, lifestyle, and the influence of social media.

Although not included in the category of mental disorders, duck syndrome if ignored can be a serious thing. At least, there are five symptoms of someone experiencing duck syndrome. Adapted from PsychCentral, Wednesday, May 25, namely;

Frequently comparing yourself to others Feeling like someone else is better Feeling as if you are failing to live up to the demands of life Fear of supervision or criticism feeling like others are manipulating situations to test your performance

Managing duck syndrome is a bit of a challenge because not many people are familiar with this condition. But there are some easy steps for you to overcome it. Depression and anxiety can occur as a result of duck syndrome. Therefore, managing duck syndrome may be best managed with similar methods of treating depression and anxiety disorders.

Adapting from Alodokter, there are seven ways that can be done to reduce duck syndrome.

Do counseling with an academic advisor or counselor at school or college. Know your own capacity so that you can work according to your abilities. Learn to love yourself. Live a healthy lifestyle, namely by eating healthy foods, exercising regularly, and avoiding smoking and alcoholic beverages. Take time to do me time or relaxation to reduce stress. Change your mindset to be more positive and stop comparing yourself to others. Stay away from social media for some time.

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