JAKARTA - Actor Gary Iskak has been arrested again by the police for drugs. West Java Police Public Relations Head Kombes Ibrahim Tompo said Gary Iskak was arrested in the Pasir Putih area, Bandung on Monday, May 23.

It is suspected that at the time of his arrest, Gary Iskak was still high after consuming methamphetamine along with four other people. This is the second time Gary has been caught on drugs. He was imprisoned for the same case on September 21, 2007.

This arrest is quite surprising because previously Gary was almost discouraged because of liver cirrhosis. He was hospitalized for 8 days.

Gary Iskak (Photo: Ig @lambeturah)

At that time his condition was quite alarming, a photo of him lying with a breathing tube went viral and made netizens excited.

"At that time, I just gave up, surrendered. Everything was white and white," said Gary Iskak, August 5, 2021.

In the recovery process, Gary wants to always think positive. "It's fun whatever it is, which is positive," he explained.

Even Gary admitted that he had moved. He gave up and wanted a better life. To Arie Untung and Fenita Arie, Gary and his wife, Richa Novisha, shared their experiences during the hijrah process.

"We've been reminded by our parents, all kinds of things. It's just okay, we're still like that. Until finally, many people remembered and one of our friends said, 'It's okay, let's just go back to God's teachings'," said Gary Isaac.

"Yes, there is a moment, which... it's a polytheist business, because I'm too lazy to talk about it."

"So that made me take my family there too (mushrik)," he continued.

"So I have completely left God. I have to read the creed again. If you are polytheist, you have to take the shahada again. It's the same as converting to Islam," he continued.

Unfortunately, all those good intentions were put to the test again. Gary Iskak is again mired in drugs.

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