JAKARTA - According to Maia Estianty, Dul Jaelani is an independent child. He is also proud that Dul is able to produce works without asking his parents for money.

"What makes me proud, this Dul doesn't ask for money from parents at all. Completely independent. Recording himself, making his own video clips. He produced works from yesterday using his own money," said Maia when Dul Jaelani released her first album Qodir Band that he formed, Monday, May 16.

Because of that, Maia also admitted that she really supports her children's dreams. Maia also does not have a special message and frees her children to have a career and work.

"I just let him go. He doesn't have an obligation to make a living. So just be happy. I don't interfere at all. From the start, he really wanted him to be independent as a musician," explained Maia.

"If he is supported by his parents, it's called still following the shadow of his parents. So he really is pure himself. He arranges himself, composes his own songs with his friends. So it's purely his own work," he continued.

However, Maia hopes that after being satisfied with her idealism, Dul can think about making commercial music.

"Incidentally, Dul is really idealistic. He really doesn't care whether it's commercial or not, the important thing is that he can convey his idealism. Hopefully this ends after he has had fun with his idealism, later he will think about commerciality," concluded Maia.

Dul himself is not burdened with the big names of his parents, Maia and Ahmad Dhani. "I think it's just a perspective. It will be a burden if you think about it. If you think about it, it becomes a burden. But if you look at the positive side, it's different. How do we take it anywhere," Dul said as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, May 17.

"I once said that I wanted to get out of the shadow of my parents. But if I think about it now, it's impossible. Why? I wash the dishes at my mother's house, I do what I do at my mother's house. " he continued.

However, Dul added that there were other things that he still maintained from his statement. Now, Dul admits that he is independent in his career. He said that he did not ask his parents for help at all in his career.

"But one that still survives from that day I said that. Thank God I am now self-sufficient. I take care of everything together with my friends. Everything is independent. I am not like those who stick to their parents' armpits," said Dul.

"I didn't ask 'Father to make a song'. I didn't. I'm independent, I'm in my own band, I'm self-managing. The problem is that people want to play together, whatever. I never thought about it," he continued.

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