JAKARTA - Britney Spears announced that she had a miscarriage on Sunday, May 15. It is known that she is pregnant with a baby from her relationship with Sam Asghari.

“It is with sadness that we announce the loss of our baby early in the pregnancy. This is a sad time for any parent," Britney Spears wrote the same day.

She also regrets being overly enthusiastic and sharing the news of her pregnancy at an early age. He said they should have waited a little longer.

"We should have waited to announce it until further (gestational age). But we can't wait to share this good news," he said.

Furthermore, Britney Spears still wants to add children in the future. He is also grateful for the support of netizens and the public for his life.

“Our love for each other is our strength. We will try to grow our beautiful family,” said Britney Spears.

One month earlier, Britney Spears explained that she was pregnant. He found out when he went to Maui with Sam Asghari.

As is known, Britney Spears also already has two children from marriage to her previous partner, Kevin Federline. The two children were named Sean Preston and Jayden James.

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