YOGYAKARTA – In the food chain, snakes are predators of rats. Ecosystems will work best if every living food chain is controlled. When uncontrolled, the ecosystem will be disturbed. It even allows these animals to enter the yard of the house. Instead of killing them, you can just get rid of them by planting plants that snakes fear around the house.
What are some beautiful plants, but also keep your yard from being visited by these ovoviviparous animals? Here is the list.
1. MarigoldsMarigold flowers are brightly colored, either yellow or white. Citing Home and Garden Digest, Wednesday, April 13, this flower is a plant that snakes fear. Even considered the most potent because it can emit aroma. Marigolds have strong roots and are easy to care for.
2. Mother-in-law's tongueThis plant is often placed in the house because it is useful for cleaning the air. Snakes are also reluctant to nest in sharp-shaped leaves.
3. LemongrassIn addition to being resistant during the dry season, lemongrass is easy to care for and can also be used as a food spice. Lemongrass or known as lemongrass does emit a strong citrus aroma. This plant repel not only snakes, but also mosquitoes and fleas.

Almost every house must keep garlic as a stock of spices in the kitchen. If possible, you can buy a garlic plant that snakes fear. Place the plant in the most humid location. Snakes will be reluctant to make a nest there, because for snakes the smell of garlic is disturbing.
5. MugwortThe next plant that snakes fear is mugwort. This plant is known as an ingredient in skincare products. In addition, it is easy to grow and is insecticidal.
6. SnakerootPlanting this plant does need to be careful. Because it is not only labeled as the plant most feared by snakes, but also poisonous. Snakeroot with the scientific name Ageratina altissima contains toxic alcohol that is lethal.
7. Pink AgapanthusYou may be familiar with the beautiful plant known as the Blue African Lily. This is one of the varieties of the Agapanthus plant. While agapanthus is pink, it can be planted in the yard of the house with the aim of repelling snakes and anticipating them from entering the house.
In addition to the above plants, the strong aroma is not liked by snakes. The aroma emanates from citrus and spices. The smell masks their ability to smell the smell of their prey.
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