JAKARTA - Every month of Ramadan according to the Islamic calendar, Muslims will perform a special worship, namely fasting. For parents, this worship may not be so heavy. However, for children, fasting still feels foreign and difficult to carry out. For that, as a parent, you must introduce the meaning of fasting to your child as early as possible.
Citing Fimela, Wednesday, April 6, introducing children to the basics of the Muslim faith would be a good place to start explaining what fasting is in the month of Ramadan. Here are some stages that you can begin to explain to your little one.
Tell a short history of Ramadan
To attract your little one's attention to fasting, you can start by telling the story about the origin of fasting. This can strengthen your little one's heart to carry out his obligations as a Muslim. Don't forget to tell him that fasting is part of the Five Pillars of Islam that every Muslim must do.
Fasting time
After the child understands about the ins and outs of fasting, start giving an explanation about the time of fasting. Tell him that fasting is carried out for a whole month. The duration is from Fajr to Maghrib, from morning to evening.
To test their ability, ask the child to fast for half a day. Explain at that time, they should not eat and drink until the time comes. After the child is strong, he can continue fasting from Asr and even Maghrib. If the child is successful in fasting, give them praise.
Give an example
Parents are the best example for children. If you fast, children will see it and be eager to imitate what parents do. Try to invite your children for suhoor and iftar at Maghrib. Also, involve them in preparing suhoor and iftar menus. In addition to the rewards obtained, family warmth can also be built through these small things.
Doing good deeds
Explain to your little one, if fasting is not only holding back hunger and thirst for the whole day. Instead, you can get closer to the Creator by doing good, such as doing good deeds, increasing prayers and reading the Koran, and controlling yourself by not speaking harshly, being patient, not crying, and behaving badly.
Healthy body
You can also explain the meaning of fasting to children in terms of health. In fact, fasting is very healthy because the body naturally detoxifies. With a regular diet and adequate nutrition during Ramadan, the child's body will be healthier and stronger.
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