YOGYAKARTA – Cooking oil has become an actual conversation in the last week. The reason is, skyrocketing prices require people to be creative in processing their daily menus. Both by saving to more varied processing dishes without cooking oil.

Variations in food processing other than fried, can be baked, baked, boiled, and steamed. This process can also be done for various foodstuffs. Such as processing into basil fish grilled rice, clear soup, to spiced roasted chicken. All of them take advantage of crops that are not difficult to obtain. So what are the advantages of processing dishes without cooking oil? Here is the list.

1. Reduce daily calorie intake

In limited quantities, calories are needed by the body as a source of energy. But you need to be careful, because if you consume excess calories, it will only invite new problems for your overall health.

Quoting the Mayo Clinic, Tuesday, March 29, adults should limit calories from saturated fat. A day should be no more than 10 percent of total daily calories. If you need 2,000 calories a day, it means that the amount of unsaturated fat should only be consumed as much as 200 calories or 22 grams. Well, from this information, it can motivate you to cook without cooking oil or process food more healthily.

kelebihan masakan tanpa minyak goreng
Illustration of the advantages of cooking without cooking oil (Freepik/Jcomp)
2. Maintaining the nutrition of foodstuffs

Processing that is too complicated, makes the nutritional content evaporate. Isn't this very unfortunate. Therefore, the best healthy cooking is to preserve the original taste of the ingredients and retain the nutrients in the food without adding excessive amounts of fat or salt.

3. Whole foods are healthier

Calories contained in whole foods have been shown to be healthier by a number of studies. These foods include avocados, nuts, and seeds. To process whole foods, you can roast them briefly or sprinkle them as a topping after oven-drying the grains. The healthy fats in whole foods provide more macrountrients, fiber, protein, and carbohydrates without worrying about the saturated fat content.

4. It tastes better

Foods that are cooked without being fried or sauteed, taste better. The taste of ingredients, such as vegetables in a bowl of soup will be purer. For example, carrots will taste faintly sweet when chewed. Not to mention the broccoli that radiates a little savory taste in the mouth. If all these ingredients are processed without being stir-fried to be cooked into soup, you can feel the authenticity of the taste of the vegetables.

5. Lose weight

With regard to reducing the number of calories consumed daily, if done on a sustainable basis can help lose weight. This step may need to be accompanied by staying active and exercising regularly in order to get overall health.

In addition to the benefits of cooking without cooking oil, reducing oil can help nourish the heart. Plus it reduces the risk of blood clots that interfere with the supply of oxygen to all parts of the body.

Are you interested in absorbing the benefits above by being more creative in processing dishes without cooking oil?

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