JAKARTA - Citizens were shocked by Wuhan, which declared itself free of COVID-19. Various business centers such as clubs opened and many parties were held again.

The large number of photos circulating on social media has made some Indonesian netizens express their frustration, considering that Wuhan is the starting point for the emergence of COVID-19.

On the other hand, many also feel jealous. Although Wuhan is the first country to report a new type of coronavirus, it is they who celebrate freedom first. How about Indonesia?

Locked Up Wuhan

Since the pandemic hit Wuhan on January 22, the local government has warned its citizens not to leave the city and began implementing lockdowns.

Access out of the city is immediately closed and public transportation and use of private vehicles are prohibited. There are no exceptions for personal or emergency matters.

All physical shops were also closed except for medical and food related ones. At that time, the streets throughout the city of Wuhan looked lonely and quiet.

The community seems to be "forced" to stay at home. Indeed, people are slowly allowed to go to buy necessities, but in one house only one person is allowed to go out to do this.

Launching The Guardian on Thursday, September 24, the rules at that time were even more brutal. The authorities carry out inspections in each house for medical tests. Anyone affected by COVID-19 must immediately isolate and not contact those around them.

A few months after undergoing lockdown, of course there is an adaptation to a new habit called new normal. But they still obeyed the rules and lived life as usual. We can see the results now.

Indonesian situation

Currently, positive cases in Indonesia have reached more than 200 thousand cases. Does the community appear to be following the rules? Take a look at the posts on your social media. Not a few of them wrote "Stay on the watch!" but on the other hand also uploading photos of sitting pretty in a cafe or restaurant.

Not to mention those who choose to vacation outside the city in order to avoid the hustle and bustle of the capital. Don't forget, we also still find people who don't wear masks around us.

Even simple rules cannot be obeyed by the community. So, it's hard to imagine that Indonesia can party in the near future like the citizens of the city of Wuhan.

Not pessimistic. However, it feels like this heart grimaces every time the number of positive cases increases while people remain selfish with their own opinions.

Six months have passed, but many still have doubts about a pandemic. Yet every day, there are people who die from this virus.

Should be what?

If you want to recover quickly like Wuhan, then discipline must start from yourself. Even though there is no full lockdown rule like Wuhan, we must be able to apply a priority scale when it comes to traveling. As long as all activities can be done in the house, there is no reason to leave the house.

In addition, always wash your hands with soap, clean items with disinfectants and communicate just enough.

Not only physical, mental affairs must also be cleverly managed. Don't read the news too often about COVID-19 victims and get enough rest.

Eat vegetables and fruits and make sure your mind and heart are always calm in order to create a safe atmosphere. If the situation requires you to leave the house, wear long sleeves and wear a mask at all times.

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