JAKARTA - After seven months of quarantine, it seems that many people aren't used to remote activities. In Boston, parents who didn't accept online learning chose to throw a party for 60 students.

As quoted from the Daily Mail on Wednesday, September 23, a married couple and their high school children threw a party for 60 students after their school changed their learning system to online learning.

On September 11, the police attended a party in Sudbury, not far from Boston. Sixty students came to the party. They did not wear masks or keep a physical distancing.

Fifteen children managed to escape into the forest around the place. The police arrested 13 other children who gave false statements, making it difficult for the police to find out their identities.

The parents who organized the event also gave alcohol to minors and violating social distancing rules. They are deemed to have violated the rules and will face trial at the Framingham District Court.

They threw the party because their school, Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High School, chose to study online since the new semester the school opened.

The school also wanted to try new methods, including a hybrid model where several students would take turns coming to school to study. But the following week, the school said they were continuing to study online. This decision caused disappointment to many students.

Due to false information, it was also difficult for the school to identify the children who attended the event.

Sudbury Health is asking anyone attending the party to run tests for COVID-19. Also, they have to inform the medical department at the school if the student starts showing symptoms of the coronavirus.

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