JAKARTA – Effective communication determines the success of child care. When they are teenagers, many parents complain that communication is not going well. After growing up, the relationship and development grew rapidly. They are increasingly critical of the situation they are experiencing as well as looking for identity. Therefore, wise direction through communication is needed.
According to clinical psychologist and author of Anything But My Phone, Mom!, Roni Cohen-Sandler, Ph.D., short conversations are common. This includes improvised or even rude answers while looking away. Parents should avoid responding with anger, yelling, or high-pitched words. Therefore, Cohen-Sandler provides recommendations for communication with teenage children to be more effective.
1. Open space for collaborationThe desires of children in their teens are more developed. In their teens it will be easier if they are invited to cooperate. Of course, parents can't control it completely. Spark their initiative so that their minds will be more open.

Opening a one-way conversation, the child must listen to the 'lecture' that you give. This hinders honest discussion. Children will actually close themselves if they communicate in that way.
So try to give it your full attention. Avoid interrupting and listen carefully to what your baby has to say.
3. Speak respectfullyLike most humans, teens will respond best if they use friendly sentences rather than negative, sarcastic, and condescending ones. This means positioning him with respect so that he can recognize your good intentions and open an honest conversation.
4. Stay in controlYou really know how your baby's character is. This means you also need to know how children are capable of managing emotions and reacting to chats. If you lose your cool, they may feel the same way. So stay in control, he will feel safe talking to you anything.
5. Be tolerantLies of wrongdoing may arise in conversations between children and parents. To minimize the possibility of this happening, be tolerant. Open the door and listen to the arguments. Then respond calmly to establish effective communication.
That's a trick you can do to establish effective communication with your baby entering their teens. In addition, you also need to provide empathy, offer solutions, and help them manage their emotions and anxieties.
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