JAKARTA - The relationship between a daughter and her mother is special. Mother is the first school for children. There are many things that girls learn from their mothers. Mother is the reference for girls to choose clothes, share anxiety about her first period, or when a boy friend likes her. In a way, mothers are 24/7 teachers to their daughters.

The positive relationship between mother and daughter will affect the child's personality, self-esteem, and their ability to control themselves. Well, knowing that mothers have a very strong influence in the lives of their daughters, of course you want to set a good role model, right. What things will girls learn?

How to love yourself

You have to remind your daughter about how to respect her body by eating right and taking good care of her, plus how to choose a potential mate wisely. Mothers need to remind their daughters that no matter what the world thinks of her, she must still love every inch of herself.

Make sure she knows that all the beauty products in the world won't cover up a bad heart, but that a kind smile or kind words can make anyone beautiful.

How to treat others

This is the golden rule in life. It is very important for both girls and boys to understand it. This lesson does not always have to be said because children can learn how to treat others by watching how their mothers treat others. For that, you need to teach them to be kind, honest, and always keep their promises.

How to commit in a relationship

Another thing that a daughter will observe from her mother is how to build and maintain a loving relationship. If he grew up in a less affectionate environment, then he will repeat the cycle when he builds a household. Sacrifice, respect and healthy communication are the foundation of all relationships and need to be taught to girls.

How to manage money, save and invest

The biggest lesson a girl can learn is how to plan for her future. Early lessons about the value of managing money will prepare children for a sound financial future.

How to be brave and let your voice be heard

Try to encourage your daughter to pursue her dreams with passion and don't let anyone tell her what she can't do. You need to encourage girls to ask questions and share ideas.

How to overcome adversity

As a woman you have to learn how to overcome adversity. The goal is to strengthen the character to be ready to face every challenge. Girls must learn how to stand firm during trials. You need to remind him that there is a lesson to be learned in every moment of failure and convince yourself that he can get through it.

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