JAKARTA – Introverts are often misunderstood. Even considered quiet. Though people with this personality are not closed but selective and communicate effectively.
Many introverts find social stimulation tiring. So they need more rest with me time alone. They focus more on the inner world, ideas, and concepts. Interaction and energy are used more for meaningful things. Therefore, if you are an introvert, there is no need to feel inferior. Here are the reasons why you should be proud to be an introvert.
1. A quiet life stimulates introverted creativityReported by Psychology Today, Wednesday, March 9, introverts prefer the inner world of imagination as a cradle of innovation and creativity. He prefers a quiet, quiet life, but still effectively stimulates his creativity.
2. Have the ability to thinkMany introverts don't want to follow the rules of society. They prefer to follow their own rules. This mind is fertile ground for developing innovative ideas.
![kepribadian introvert](/storage/publishers/143316/body_image_2022030916.jpg)
Harmonizing with other people's thoughts requires inner skills, you know. This is also one that introverts have. They can be in tune with feelings, thoughts, and how to work effectively with others. In fact, they are also very empathetic and compassionate. You could say introverts have a high sensitivity when interacting.
4. Observant observerWhen in a group, introverts seem quieter but have sharp observations. Apart from being observant, introverts also communicate well. They are also good listeners.
5. Dare to accept challengesNot a few introverts who need a strategy in developing themselves. However, that does not mean they refuse the challenge. Instead, they can connect with others deeply and build quality connections.
6. Ability to be honestIntroverts are sensitive and in tune with others. They can build meaningful and lasting relationships. Introverts also rarely feel lonely, because they have quality friends and are honest.
7. Able to change big things with gentlenessTend to make gentle movements, sometimes even referred to as a quiet person, introverts can actually change big things. According to Allison Abraham, LSCW-R. licensed psychotherapist based in New York City, secretly many introverted characters who can change the 'world' like Rosa Parks and Eleanor Roosevelt.
From the explanation above, do you have an introvert personality? Everyone certainly has a unique personality, so exploring and developing it is necessary at least for the welfare of life.
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