JAKARTA - Nikita Willy and Indra Priawan have temporarily resided in Los Angeles, United States of America now. The couple's departure was for the birth of the baby Niki was carrying. They chose Cedars Sinai Hospital where celebrities such as Kim Kardasian, Beyonce, Kylie Jenner and Victoria Beckham gave birth.

Nikita and Indra through the official Nikita Willy Official Youtube channel deliberately answered questions from their fans. Of the many questions they chose some which were answered globally.

Rumah Sakit Cedars Sinai, Los Angeles. (Instagram @cedarssinai)
Cedars Sinai Hospital, Los Angeles. (Instagram @cedarssinai)

According to Niki, the most asked question is about choosing a place to give birth, why should you go all the way to Los Angeles. Indra answered this question as a husband.

"We want to get the best health facilities for Niki and our child. As is known here, the health facilities are one of the best in the world. Especially now that the COVID-19 condition is out of control. Before coming here, we asked our friends who are also undergo the birth process here. They say the doctor is good and the hospital is also good. And we are also suitable to undergo this birth process here, "said Indra.

Nikita Willy. (Instagram @nikitawillyofficia94)
Nikita Willy. (Instagram @nikitawillyofficia94)

Just so you know while waiting for the birth process, Nikita Willy and Indra live in an apartment. And they carry out daily activities independently without being accompanied by a housemaid. "We really don't have helpers while in Los Angeles. Jami we do everything ourselves. I and Indra are trying to be independent while waiting for this birth procession," said Niki and Indra who visited several interesting tourist sites around Los Angeles.

Nikita Willy and Indra Priawan asked for prayers so that the procession for the birth of their first child at the hospital, which is also used by world celebrities, could run smoothly. And the child who was born was in good health.

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