JAKARTA – Without realizing it, there are also daily habits that are useful for preventing wrinkles on the skin. Wrinkles or wrinkles, apart from being a sign of age, are also caused by other factors, such as exposure to the sun and pollution.

To prevent this, you can maintain the natural way that you usually do everyday. What is this habit like? Here's the list.

1. Choose skin care products wisely

There are so many skin care products that offer facial skin tightening formulas. However, not all skin types can be suitable. Therefore, if you are wise in choosing skin care products, it will be useful.

Skin care products also use chemicals. Alternatively, you can choose coconut oil to avoid the parabens. Coconut oil, can be useful in removing makeup more gently. In addition, coconut oil is also natural and can be used to moisturize the skin.

2. Eat foods that contain antioxidants

Wrinkles can be overcome by treating the skin from the 'inside', namely by eating foods that contain antioxidants. Instead of consuming calories, choose green vegetables, carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, tomatoes, avocados, lemons, nuts, berries, and whole grains that contain nutrients good for the skin.

3. Consume healthy fats

Fat is a macronutrient that the body needs for metabolism. So choose healthy fats so that the double benefits are absorbed by the body, one of which is preventing wrinkles and helping collagen production. For portions of eating healthy fat foods, adjust to your health condition. Healthy fat foods, including coconut oil, avocado, almonds, curd, and salmon.

cara mencegah keriput wajah
Illustration of how to prevent facial wrinkles by eating healthy (Unsplash/Fleur Jason Briscoe)
4. Make sure to keep moving

Keeping the body moving also has anti-aging benefits. If possible, taking time for moderate exercise will help prevent fine lines and signs of aging from becoming more visible. Are you among those who make time for walking, yoga, or Pilates? Keep this habit.

5. Manage stress

It's like the proverb 'three money in line', one activity but many benefits. Managing stress doesn't just make you live happier, stay empowered and productive, as well as maintain healthy skin. Everyone has their own way of managing stress. There are people who simply enjoy a cup of coffee, then the stress subsides. On the other hand, there are those who need to talk to friends or take effective ways to manage stress.

6. Drink juice

Although consumption of fresh fruit is more optimal than drinking juice, but drinking a variety of processed drinks with added sugar is no better. That is, instead of drinking processed drinks with preservatives, it is better to drink fresh fruit juices without added sugar. This is not only beneficial for the health of the body, but also prevents wrinkles.

7. Get enough sleep

Collagen is produced during sleep, meaning getting enough sleep is important to keep skin healthy. Lack of sleep can contribute to decreased focus and mood. So, enough sleep habits need to be maintained for various benefits for the body.

8. Proper sleeping position

Sleeping on your back with pillowcases and comfortable sheets will be gentler on your skin. Sleeping on your side doesn't actually pose a big problem, it's just that if you do it for a long time, it can contribute to collagen breakdown over time.

9. Adequately hydrated

Drinking enough mineral water is good for skin and health. In addition, reducing coffee and black tea is good to do. You can replace it with green tea. Another alternative drink that is beneficial for the skin is warm lemon water. These drinks can help the skin naturally hydrated.

Are there 9 things above including your daily habits? Keep it up, because the benefits cannot be underestimated.

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