JAKARTA - The issue of wayang from an Islamic point of view presented by Ustaz Khalid Basalamah has become a polemic. In his study, Khalid said puppets needed to be destroyed if they wanted to repent from traditions that were considered incompatible with Islamic teachings.

The statement sparked reactions from cultural and other religious leaders. Through his Instagram, Gus Miftah invites the public to watch wayang. He also included a video of the wayang being played by the late Ki Seno Nugroho in which he advised that all religions teach kindness and gratitude.

"They said there were those who considered wayang haram and asked for the puppet to be destroyed, let's assume it was wayang," said Gus Miftah.

Sujiwo Tejo, who was asked for a lot of information, also raised his voice via social media. According to him, people respond to others whose religious level is equal. He also gave a message that everyone can delete their own shadow before deleting the puppet.

"Because religion also has semesters. People who are religious in doctoral semesters should not respond to people whose religion is in the TPB semester (first level together)," said Sujiwo Tejo.

Finally, Ustaz Khalid Basalamah clarified his statement regarding the wayang issue. Through the Khalid Basalamah Official YouTube channel, it was explained the purpose of the statement regarding wayang which has recently become a hot topic of discussion.

"When I was asked about the problem of wayang, it would be nice and we suggested that we make Islam a tradition, don't make tradition an Islam and I don't say anything here that forbids it. I invite you to make Islam a tradition. The meaning of these words is also, if there is a tradition that is in line with Islam, that's okay and if there is a conflict with Islam, it's better to leave it. This is a suggestion," he was quoted as saying Thursday, February 17.

Buya Yahya's explanation

In fact, the issue of wayang from an Islamic point of view has been explained by Buya Yahya when he received a question from one of the worshipers who uploaded it through Buya Yahya's personal YouTube account on November 9, 2020.

"Before Islam there were puppets, then these clerics from Walisongo wanted how to bring this wayang as a means of preaching, the goal is to preach," Yahya said as quoted on Thursday, February 17.

"Wayang is a popular culture and many people gather there. That's why the Guardians use it for da'wah. If God is a God other than Allah, it's just that the scholars have packaged it there, how can shirk in the puppet world stop there," he said.

"In terms of their belief, the scholars are extraordinary, they are intelligent in Islamizing culture," he added.

The puppet form is not complete because the shape has been flattened. This formless image (bodied like a statue) is still a matter of ikhtilaf or disagreement among scholars.

"They also understand about the form of wayang. It is discussed by the scholars that sculpture is haram, that's why they set it up so that it becomes thin, not a bodily form," explained Buya Yahya.

Buya emphasized that if you want to keep studying art, whatever form it takes, the story must still be inserted about the message of Allah. "The gods are just stories and are not considered God," he said.

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