JAKARTA - Dorce Gamalama, is known to have died today at 07.36 WIB. This was confirmed by Juniadi Ramli Trijati, as the Head of Public Relations of the RSPP.

Juniadi also explained that Dorce had been treated at the Simprug Hospital since February 8. They have done the maximum handling but fate said otherwise.

"On behalf of Pertamina Hospital, I express my condolences for the death of Mrs. Dorce, may Allah accept her deeds of worship and give the bereaved family the fortitude," said Juniadi when met by VOI at the Simprug Hospital.

"When he arrived his condition was not good, so he was placed in the ICU room," he added.

He also confirmed that Dorce had been exposed to COVID-19 and for funeral matters the hospital handed it back to the family.

"He was confirmed to have COVID-19, so he was directed to this hospital," he said.

Currently, Dorce Gamalama's body is being curated and will be buried at the Bambu Apus TPU, East Jakarta.

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