JAKARTA - Every family has a secret. That is the tagline sentence that is often written on the poster of the film Nanti Kita Cerita Tanpa Hari (NKCTHI) since the release of the teaser to the main trailer. The sentence implies that this film will be related to conflicts that occur in the family.
NKCTHI tells about the family of Angkasa (Rio Dewanto), Aurora (Sheila Dara Aisha), and Awan (Rachel Amanda). The three of them live in a positive family environment where both their parents support their respective activities and careers.
For example, Angkasa who works in the field of promoter, Aurora and her art, to Cloud, the architect candidate is the most supported by parents. The spices of conflict can also be seen from the figure of Awan being spoiled by his parents.
Kale (Ardhito Pramono), Awan's new friend, seems like a light to the youngest. Unfortunately, their friendship was underestimated by Awan's parents, as a result this conflict was the starting point for trauma and a big secret was revealed in the family.
This film is based on a novel of the same name, of course there is no complete story that has been translated. In fact, the challenge is even greater because the NKCTHI book contains simple sentences and the like. From the very beginning, the opening scene has been filled with sentences like in a book.
The scenario written by Jenny Jusuf was established with the help of Marchella FP as the author of the NKCTHI book. When met during a press conference session, Marchella wrote NKCTHI when he was experiencing a quarter life crisis.
He wrote page after page with what he felt. Together with their friends, they have an interpretation of the pages in NKCTHI. "The interpretation is getting richer and in my opinion it's a really fun playroom."
For your information, Marchella took quite a long time to complete the NKCTHI because she felt that the shift from the 90s generation book to NKCTHI was a different genre.
"This work (NKCTHI) is a great work for me. When I got into the industry, the work couldn't be selfish. The work is not just mine anymore. " This is also the reason why Marchella chose Visinema as part of the NKCTHI realization. According to director Angga Sasongko, NKCTHI is also an achievement for him.
NKCTHI has family values and love as its main dishes for the audience. This nearly two-hour film is also worth watching for those who like family dramas.
The rhythm of this film is also made to flow in every part. For example, at the beginning of the film to the middle of the story, this film presents a story that has a heavy burden. However, at the climax of the story in the third half of the running film, this film directed by Angga Sasongko is intertwined and emotionally stirs the audience.
There are three times that are explained so that the film goes slowly. However, there are some parts that are deemed unnecessary so as not to lose focus. Some choices of songs in the background if unnecessary in some scenes. The three main characters, namely Angkasa, Aurora, and Awan, have their own part of the story and cause this film to take up to two hours.

The acting of the NKCTHI players was also not awkward and performed nicely. One of the things that caught the eye was Sheila Dara Aisha's acting as a middle child who really showed her emotional and struggle. Oka Antara and Donny Damara as the father of three children are also good at showing their feelings as a father.
In the end, mixed feelings accompanied watching NKCTHI. Not completely bad, but there are some parts that just don't fit. But apart from that, this film still shows its capacity well as a family film and tries to open up another side of family stories.
It is recommended that you watch the NKCTHI film with your family starting January 2, 2020, count it as a form of reflection between families at the beginning of the year. You can also watch the NKCTHI trailer here.
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