JAKARTA - Dorce Gamalama is known to have died today at around 07.30 WIB at the Simprug Hospital, South Jakarta. Currently, Dorce's family is still waiting for the body to be released from the hospital.

From VOI's monitoring, there were about 7 people from the Dorce family waiting to welcome the body. It didn't take long for those who were mostly wearing all black to see the bodies.

However, the media crew who were waiting at the hospital still had not received any information from the family. After leaving the room to see the bodies, some of them wept.

"I can't bear it," said one of the Dorce family.

It is still unknown whether Dorce's body will stop at the funeral home in the Pondok Gede area or be buried immediately. Because it was rumored that, apart from having diabetes, he was also exposed to COVID-19, which made his condition worse before he finally died.

Flashback, Dorce started playing movies in 1990 with two films at once, namely Dorce Sok Familiar and Dorce Ketemu Jodoh. Apart from acting, Dorce is also known as a singer. In fact, Dorce is known as a prolific songwriter.

As a singer, Dorce Gamalama once entertained Megawati Soekarnoputri. Meanwhile in front of Jokowi. Dorce also did not hesitate to provide support during Jokowi. In 2014, as a form of support for the presidential and vice presidential candidates Jokowi - JK, Dorce made a song entitled For Mu Jokowi.

In the early 2000s, Dorce became a presenter of the Dorce Show. All activities in the entertainment world are carried out by this versatile artist. Even the last year, Dorce tried to be active as a YouTuber.

In social life, Dorce is known as a generous figure. Having no biological children, Dorce Gamalama adopted a child. Apart from that, Dorce is also active in social activities, managing the Dorce Halimatussa'diyah Foundation which supports around 1,600 orphans and children from poor families.

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