JAKARTA - Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) and ulcers are two diseases that can be controlled. In the healing process, the thing that must be done by the patient is to avoid risk factors and triggers for recurrence. Prof. Dr. dr. Ari Fahrial Syam, SpPD-KGEH, MMB, FINASIM, Gastroenterology Specialist FKUI-RSCM said that GERD and ulcers are not lifelong diseases so they can be cured.

"If we clean the ulcer with germs, we treat it. GERD can also be cured, two months of treatment, he recovers, then he has to watch his food," said Prof. Ari in a webinar on Thursday, February 10.

Several risk factors as triggers for GERD recurrence are smoking and drinking alcohol, consuming large portions of food at once, eating too late, consuming fatty or fried foods and consuming caffeinated drinks or foods.

"Indeed, this disease can be cured but it can also recur. The point is that if you can control the risk factors after being treated, it can be completely cured. So this can be called on demand treatment," said Prof. Ari was quoted from ANTARA.

Meanwhile, Prof. Ari said that there are still many people who cannot distinguish between ulcer disease and GERD.

According to Prof. Ari, ulcer disease only occurs in the stomach with symptoms such as heartburn, heartburn, nausea, vomiting, bloating, early satiety and belching.

While GERD is the rise of stomach acid into the esophagus or back. The main symptoms of GERD are a burning sensation in the chest and a bitter taste in the mouth.

"It could also be ringing in the ears, stuffy nose, toothache, it's more like GERD. People can get GERD and ulcers at the same time, but if it's pure GERD, they usually don't have stomach symptoms," said Prof. Ari.

As first aid when GERD recurs, a person can take drugs that contain antacids or the like to neutralize stomach acid. However, if the pain persists then you should immediately visit the hospital.

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