JAKARTA - The body and mind have an inseparable unity. When the mind thinks about pain, slowly the body will get sick. Vice versa. A study related to pain management showed that imagining a beautiful and relaxing scene prompts the body to react as if all the feelings had moved to the imagined place.

For example, if you are walking long distances through a hot desert, imagining that you are in a cold place will help you cope with the heat. In labor, the most important thing to note is to regulate blood pressure, lower adrenaline, and increase oxytocin by bringing the mind to a comfortable and peaceful place.

When you help your wife imagine the place, her mind can calm down and her body will follow by releasing pleasure hormones. These hormones are the keys to labor. If a woman imagines she is in a comfortable and relaxed environment during childbirth, she may be able to handle the intensity of each contraction better.

Then, how to help your partner feel calm during labor? Summarizing MindBodyGreen, Monday, February 7th, here's what you should do.

Use Guided Imagery scripts: Talk to your wife about her favorite places. Everyone's happy place is unique, so find the most relaxing place for your wife. Is it at the top of the mountain? Floating on the lake? Hiking in the forest? Then create a script just for him! Read the script slowly in a very smooth and calm voice.

Sample scripts you can read.

Inhale slowly through your nose and release completely through your mouth. Feel the air moving in and out, like a sea breeze. Breathe the salty sea air, feel the sea breeze against your face. Hear the waves crashing on the sand. Hear the gentle roar of each rolling wave, crashing against the sand. Walk to the water; feel the wet sand between your toes and under your feet with each step. Now, feel the water running down your toes and ankles. The wind blows in the face. Sea water feels refreshing on the feet. Your body is completely relaxed as you feel the waves and breeze against your skin. Maintain this relaxed feeling as you go through each wave of contraction. Don't forget to catch your breath as best you can.

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