JAKARTA - Solois Rafi Sudirman presents an RnB single titled Don't Call My Name which was released under Warner Music Indonesia.

Don't Call My Name is a song with an up-beat touch that takes the theme of romance. With a cool beat, in fact this song contains someone's anger over their partner who often plays with their relationship.

“Anger and complaining in a relationship. Tired of all the problems that happened until one of the parties gave up and asked not to call his name again," said Rafi Sudirman.

Rafi got his inspiration from the stories of his friends around him and was assisted by HNATA, Farrel Cahyono and Alicia Sutedja. He also co-produced the song with Ankadiov Subran.

After stealing attention with the single Collide, Rafi Sudirman is ready to win the hearts of music listeners again through Don't Call My Name.

The released music video also features Rafi Sudirman dancing and dancing. This is Rafi's first experience in the music world.

“The concept of this music video is very interesting, with a unique story supported by a team that contributes macro, producing very satisfying results. Uniquely, this is my first time doing choreo and dancing in this music video,” he said.

Don't Call My Name from Rafi Sudirman can be heard digitally.

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