Can Reach Orgasm, Here Are 5 Sex Positions During Menopause
Illustration of sex positions during menopause (Freepik/Gpointstudio)

JAKARTA – When the age enters the head of five, the menstrual cycle ends. This is not a disaster, but a natural cycle that can be overcome. Sexual life does not end at that time, changes may occur. Therefore, it requires the most appropriate knowledge and strategies to better understand the needs of the body and sexuality.

According to Irish-based sexologist Emily Power Smith, knowing the changes in the body at each age is important. Knowing will better understand how your body works. Like knowing about the clitoris and how to stimulate yourself and the time it takes when desire begins to peak.

Emily explains that lubrication is the best sex partner after menopause. At this time, the decline in estrogen occurs naturally. This causes dryness of the vulva and if not implemented can cause pain and discomfort during penetration. Therefore, additional lubrication and good communication with a partner are required.

Quoting WebMD, having sex regularly after menopause is a way to maintain vaginal elasticity by maintaining stable blood flow to the female area. Research has shown that people who are sexually active, either alone by masturbating or with a partner, have milder menopausal symptoms than those who are not. Because complicated sex positions can be painful, the following 'different' positions can be a reference.

1. Sit on top

Postmenopausal for some women complain of pain when penetration is too deep to near the cervix. When you sit on the top during sex, you can keep the penetration to the most comfortable point. If you do not want penetration that is too deep, rocking your hips to your partner also helps achieve pleasure.

2. Doggy style

This second sex position, doggy style, allows you or your partner to stimulate the clitoris during sexual intercourse. You may need some hand strength, but you can also use pillows to support your lower abdomen or elbows if necessary.

3. Missionary with assistance

If you are dry and feel pain during penetration, try to focus your attention on the missionary position. Lie on your back with a pillow or two under your lower back. This helps elevate the hips to make penetration easier. Adding lubricant will also help this position to be more comfortable.

4. Lying on your side

Lying on your side allows you to control how deep your partner can penetrate, this helps prevent pain if it gets too deep. This position can be done facing or with your back to your partner. The angle of entry can vary, communicate the most appropriate position with your partner to keep it fun.

5. Standing

Sex positions that can be done, is standing or standing from behind. Stand up and lean forward on a chair, table, or hands against a wall. Couple standing behind you and penetrating from behind, like doggy style. With this position, can provide stimulation to the clitoris and can control the depth of penetration to avoid pain.

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