Just Mom Movie Review: A Simple Conflict That Moves Hearts
Still cut Just Mom (Dapur Film)

JAKARTA - Just Mom is the latest work by director Jeihan Angga after his successful debut with Mecca I'm Coming. Produced by Hanung Bramantyo, Jeihan once again highlighted the story of family life.

Just Mom tells the story of Siti (Christine Hakim), a mother who feels lonely when Damar (Ge Pamungkas) and Pratiwi (Niken Anjani) leave her. Siti lives at home with her youngest child, Jalu (Toran Waibro) and is assisted by Mba Sum (Dea Panendra).

Siti's difficulty meeting Damar and Pratiwi makes her look for new things. He meets Murni (Ayushita), an ODGJ (People with Mental Disorders) who is heavily pregnant.

Siti's desire to care for Murni is met with opposition from Damar and Pratiwi. On the other hand, Siti also has cancer, making it difficult for her to carry out her usual activities. Will Siti and Murni's relationship just end?

Just Mom has a simple conflict: a mother who feels abandoned by her growing children.

Christine Hakim as the central character is able to present two sides of a Siti. He also shows expressions with beautiful dialogues when talking to his co-stars.

Likewise with Ayushita as Pure. Throughout the film, she doesn't have dialogue but Ayushita plays with facial expressions that add to the beautiful impression of her chemistry with Christine Hakim.

The interaction between the two is very sweet seen through Just Mom. The mother figure also dominates the story so that other characters seem to be immersed in the plot. The storyline also flows simply and the focus makes the storytelling easy to accept.

Simple and down to earth, watching Just Mom makes our hearts flutter when we witness the life of Siti's family. This film will leave a great reflection for us, how to define family as we grow up.

The film Just Mom can be seen in Indonesian cinemas starting Thursday, January 27.

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