More Efficient And Not Complicated, Here Are 4 Tricks For Cooking Food Without Cooking Oil
Illustration (Martin Lopez/Pexels)

JAKARTA - Since the beginning of last week, the Indonesian government has issued a new policy regarding the decline in the price of cooking oil, which was set at IDR 14 thousand/liter from the previous IDR 22 thousand/liter. This of course invites the phenomenon of panic buying among housewives to food businesses.

The price of cooking oil, which tends to fluctuate, has a major influence on people's consumption styles. The reason is, oil is needed to cook food. In fact, there are methods of cooking without oil that are more practical and economical. What are these methods? Here's the review.

Cooking in a non-stick skillet

Cooking in a non-stick frying pan is an easy way to fry without oil. Usually, non-stick pans are used for sauteing foods such as vegetables or making scrambled eggs. The non-stick material in the pan is specially made so it is safe to use without oil.

Using the air fryer

Another method of cooking without cooking oil is using an air fryer. This fryer is specially made so that it can fry food automatically without oil, only with a set temperature and duration.

Usually, the air fryer is used to fry potatoes, chicken, fish, and some types of snacks such as spring rolls and risoles. It's just that you need to apply a little oil to the air fryer before using it to cook floured or breaded foods so that the air fryer doesn't get damaged quickly.

Grilling food

In order not to use up a lot of oil, you need to replace the cooking technique with grilling. While this method is more commonly used for baking cakes, you can make delicious grilled chicken to fish this way. Besides being easy, grilling food is also relatively healthy.

Use an oil replacement spray

If you usually pour oil before cooking, try using a spray gun. By spraying oil on the pan, you can save more cooking oil because the oil can spread more easily into the pan when sprayed than poured.

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