JAKARTA - Some of us, find it difficult to mix and match the right color of clothes for those with tan skin. Most women with tan skin feel less confident with bright and flashy colors.
Not all colors can be worn freely, without having to think about later the skin will look dull. There are several colors that you should always pay attention to to match your skin. Let's look at a review of the colors that should be avoided for those of you who have tan skin.
Dijon YellowDijon yellow you should avoid in any use, be it makeup, hair, and clothes. The use of this yellow color will make the skin and the clothes you wear become one. So that the display looks less than optimal and boring, bright yellow will help increase your aura.
Leaf GreenWearing leaf green clothes will make your skin appear darker. If you want to wear green clothes, you should choose emerald green or emerald green.
PastelLight colors do not work optimally on your skin. Because it will look pale and shabby when worn, especially when using it as a whole on your body. Switch to a bold, bright color if you really like a colorful look.
TurquoiseIt is undeniable that the turquoise color does look beautiful. Unfortunately this color is only suitable for fair-skinned or olive-skinned women. For brown skin, turquoise color actually makes the skin look darker. Switch to clothes in yellow. The yellow color can actually give a fresh, cheerful, and bright effect for your tan skin.
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