JAKARTA - Upin and Ipin animation company from Malaysia, Les' Copaque Production Sdn. Bhd denied the rumors that Upin and Ipin died in an accident while on holiday in Sulawesi.

"Upin Ipin is healthy and they are in school and all the fans don't have to worry. They will appear in the new season soon," said one of the founders of Les' Copaque Production Sdn. Bhd, Hj Burhan Radzi in his testimony in Kuala Lumpur, Tuesday, 18 January.

Burhan explained that his party is used to so many crazy ideas about Upin Ipin by fans, it can be understood because Upin Ipin is very popular.

"Many netizens take advantage of the popularity of Upin and Ipin to boost their social media accounts. Sometimes the stories they relate to don't suit your wishes but you can't control them," he said.

Burhan said that last night he was surprised when his media team shared news articles from Indonesian online media.

"It is stated that they took an article from Tik Tok's account about Upin Ipin dying as a result of an accident while on holiday in Sulawesi, Indonesia. I also received an e-mail from a news portal in the network from Jakarta asking for confirmation," he said.

Through Twitter, the company also provided clarification on the story idea from Upin and Ipin. Even Les' Copaque Production Sdn. Bhd also explains why Upin and Ipin are bald and only have one strand of hair.

"The LCP had to shorten the cost and speed up the manufacturing process. Wanting to do the hair at that time was too time consuming. So, Upin and Ipin were designed bald by the therapist. Upin had a piece of hair," he wrote in his @lescopaque account.

So what is the real story of the viral tomb of Upin and Ipin? Quoted from various sources, Anca, the uncle of the late Upin and Ipin, opened his voice about the story of the late twin babies.

Anca said the name written on the tombstone on the tomb was not his real name. The twins died and were buried anonymously. After many years passed, they finally decided to name Upin and Ipin on the tombstone so that the pilgrims would find it easier to find the tomb.

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