What Are The Benefits Of Watering Salt Water On Plants? Know 5 Facts
Illustration of the benefits of salt water for soil and plants (Unsplash/Kasya Shahovskaya)

JAKARTA – There are many ways to ensure that the plants at home thrive. This includes giving him regular fertilizers, both organic and chemical. But it turns out, salt water is predicted to be able to fertilize plants or make the fruit of fruit trees taste better, right?

A study revealed that nutrients in food are disrupted by soil depletion. The content of protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron satin, riboflavin, and ascorbic acid decreased, according to research published in 2004 by researchers at the University of Texas at Austin. This study analyzed data on 43 garden plants over 5 decades, between 1950-1999.

Based on this research, Dr. Murray, a doctor, biochemist, and researcher, has a theory that by adding nutrients to the soil so that plants can absorb these nutrients. To prove his theory, Murray bought a piece of land to be used in improving soil conditions by using sea salt fertilizer.

air garam untuk tanaman
Illustration of salt water for plants (iStockphoto)
Benefits of sea salt fertilizer

Murray in his research found that sea salt used as fertilizer is very useful. The benefits include increased plant growth, more yields, plants are more resistant to pests and diseases, fruit or crop yields taste better, fruit or plants do not rot easily, and higher levels of sugar and vitamins.

How to give salt water fertilizer to plants

Murray, in his research also conducted various experiments. On his invention, he suggested how to give salt water fertilizer to plants. First, dissolve a teaspoon of sea salt in 4.5 liters of water. Strain the insoluble salt and then spray it on the plants during the growing season once a week. Even better if the plant is in running water.

Alternatively, fertilize the tree every 4 months by sprinkling sea salt on the tree roots as much as 2 tablespoons. For flower plants, sprinkle sea salt around the flowers once a month. This means give a distance of 3 inches from the base of the plant. Then flush with well water.

Effects of salt on plants

Salt is a substance that is very low in soil. While plants need salinity to survive. Salinity requires salt, which means the presence of salt in the soil as a nutrient is necessary. However, salt has such a high concentration of minerals that too much of it can be toxic to most plants.

Plants can also be poisoned by salt

When applying sea salt fertilizer to plants, running water is recommended. This means that salt water does not settle on the leaves so that it inhibits photosynthesis. Even if you sprinkle it on the ground, too much can interfere with osmosis or water is absorbed out of the plant, causing dehydration.

So how to make sea salt fertilizer optimally useful?

It is recommended to water your garden well after fertilizing. If the garden area is too large, it can be watered by stretching a few drip hoses.

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