JAKARTA - Ashanty shared the latest news regarding quarantine. He tested negative for COVID-19 through the latest test.

"This is yesterday's PCR result," Ashanty said on Instagram on Sunday, January 16.

To make sure the test results were correct, Ashanty took another test and the results remained the same - negative. "Had to re-check this morning, this is the result," he said again.

Ashanty also expressed his longing to meet his family and return to his activities.

"Yesss, the long hugs continue to eat together, then return to work, so what else," said Ashanty.

It is known that Ashanty contracted COVID-19 after returning from Turkey with his family. He had received a negative response because he went on vacation in the midst of his health condition.

Apart from Ashanty, Atta Halilintar's younger brother, Tariq also tested positive for COVID-19. Ashanty who gets the Omicron variant of COVID-19 is required to quarantine in a hospital not in a hotel like other family members.

"Yes, I'm positive guys, I'm positive guys, and possibly Omicron. I saw yesterday from the Ministry of Health, Mr. Budi. If it turns out that Omicron is more harmless, the symptoms are almost non-existent," said Tariq Halilintar.

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