JAKARTA - Anya Geraldine, who is acting in the drama series Kites Break, is still capturing public attention. But that's not what we will present this time. There is one lifestyle that he lives as a person who experiences lactose intolerance in his body.

Because of this condition, he had no choice, he had to live a healthy lifestyle or lifestyle such as exercising and eating healthy. Consuming highly nutritious foods is an inseparable part of the beautiful celebrity Anya Geraldine.

The woman who was born in Jakarta, December 15, 1995, who also works as an actress and model, has recently often posted a healthy lifestyle on her Instagram social media account @anyageraldine.

Makan dan minuman menjadi perhatian Anya Geraldine dalam melakoni gaya hidup sehatnya. (Instagram @anyageraldine))
Eating and drinking is a concern for Anya Geraldine in carrying out her healthy lifestyle. (Instagram @anyageraldine))

The role of Lidya Danira in the series Layangan Putus said that she is busy filming, exercising in the gym, and working on several project campaigns. With this busy schedule, Anya really tries to take the time to exercise and eat healthy foods, such as consuming fruit and a glass of milk every day.

"Because I really believe that with the density of this activity, if it is not balanced with a healthy lifestyle, it can have a negative impact on health, in the future," said Anya Geraldine as reported by Paragram.id.

Apart from exercising and eating foods that are high in nutrients, Anya also manages stress by meditating and getting enough rest to lead a healthy lifestyle.

However, despite living a healthy lifestyle, Anya often feels unfit. One of them is like feeling sick to your stomach, bloating, and sometimes even nausea. This certainly interferes with various activities and productivity.

Alami Intoleransi Laktosa, Anya Geraldine Jalani Hidup Sehat, salah satunya berolahraga. (Instagram)
Experience Lactose Intolerance, Anya Geraldine Lives a Healthy Life, one of which is exercising. (Instagram)

Anya added that the problem was enough to interfere with her busy life and productivity. Out of curiosity, he began to find out by reading articles, literature, and consulting doctors and nutritionists.

It turned out that after seeking information and consultation, this discomfort was caused by lactose intolerance. For information, lactose intolerance is a digestive disorder due to the body not being able to digest lactose.

Various variants of lactose-free milk on the market, such as plant-based milk, can be a separate solution for Anya. However, this woman who also has a business in the culinary and cosmetic fields still prefers cow's milk because it tastes better on the tongue and also the nutrients contained in it.

"In my opinion, it is very important for Indonesian people to know and be aware of lactose intolerance and milk allergy, because these are two different things," he said.

Anya Geraldine also believes that many people are not aware or may not realize that they are experiencing the same thing. "After I know the cause, now I am more selective in choosing the food I will consume," he said.

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