JAKARTA - Hutomo Mandala Putra or more familiarly known as Tommy Suharto is the son of the former 2nd President of the Republic of Indonesia, Suharto. On April 30, 1997, Tommy married Ardhia Pramesti Regita Cahyani or Tata. From this marriage, they were blessed with a pair of children, a boy and a girl.
Tommy Suharto's eldest son, Darma Mangkuluhur Hutomo, apparently managed to steal the attention of netizens. In addition to his good looks, Darma Mangkuluhur is also hailed for having an athletic body. Not surprisingly, many women are hypnotized by the physical appearance of the grandson of former President Suharto.
Curious about the figure of Darma Mangkuluhur? Here are some charming Darma portraits that VOI summarized from the @darmamh Instagram account.

Many people agree that Darma is a picture of Tommy Suharto's handsomeness when he was young. Yes, Darma Mangkuluhur's handsome face is very similar to his father's, especially if the two take pictures together.

Charming face and athletic body shape are two things that make netizens crazy about Darma Mangkuluhur.

Not many know that Darma Mangkuluhur Hutomo is very fond of racing. He won various championships in the world of racing. Darma won the trophy at the 2012 Asian Karting Open Championship.

Apart from racing, Darma is now starting to take an interest in the business world. In November 2021, he introduced his new business, 'Lounge In The Sky', a hangout place with a similar theme to 'Coffee in The Sky'.

Thanks to his seriousness in the business line, Darma was included in the list of 40 Indonesian Youth who inspired the Prestige Indonesia version.

Even though he was busy with an established career at a young age, Darma Mangkuluhur did not forget to have fun in his spare time. His current hobby is riding a Vespa.

Traveling around enjoying the natural beauty of Indonesia with his friends is also one of the things that Darma Mangkuluhur enjoys.

Understandably, after Tata and Tommy divorced in 2006, Darma and his sister Gayanti lived with Tata for a dozen years in Singapore.
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