JAKARTA – Fiber in food is divided into two types, namely soluble fiber and insoluble fiber. This food turns out to be based on research studies that can help shrink a distended stomach.

A distended stomach increases the risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Therefore, efforts are needed to shrink it and make the body healthier. One way that helps reduce a distended stomach is to eat more fiber foods.

A study published in the journal of the American Heart Association, reported by Healthline, Thursday, January 14, soluble fiber can help you lose belly fat. In contrast to insoluble fiber, soluble fiber interacts with water in the body. Soluble fiber, such as beta-glucan and glucomannan, mix with water to form a thick, gel-like substance that slows down how quickly the stomach releases digested food into the intestines.

Eating more soluble fiber, not only helps to lose belly fat but also prevents the stomach from getting bigger. This is evidenced by a study that linked a 10 gram increase in daily soluble fiber intake to a 3.7 percent lower risk of gaining belly fat.

makanan untuk mengecilkan perut buncit
Illustration of food to reduce belly fat (Unsplash/Alexander Mils)

Other studies have also shown that people who eat more soluble fiber have a lower risk of belly fat. Soluble fiber works by promoting the diversity of gut bacteria, including the approximately 100 trillion beneficial bacteria that live in the intestines associated with vitamin production and processing waste.

There are many types of bacteria, and the more varied the types, the lower the risk of type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance, and heart disease. Studies have not found a specific reason why these three disorders can be minimized when consuming more soluble fiber foods. However, five studies have shown that the more good bacteria in the gut, the better health effects.

Soluble fiber in the gut acts as a prebiotic, or nutrient for good bacteria. Once the fiber dissolves in the intestines, it is fermented to be digested. This produces short chain fatty acids, or a type of fat that can help reduce belly fat. Short-chain fatty acids can help regulate fat metabolism by increasing the rate of fat burning and decreasing storage.

Eating more fiber also reduces levels of hunger hormones the body produces, including ghrelin. In addition, you feel full longer with increased production of the hormone cholecystokinin.

Foods that are high in soluble fiber include sweet potatoes, fruits such as apricots and oranges, nuts, and seeds. However, balance it with other foods so you don't experience stomach cramps, diarrhea, and bloating.

This means knowing your body's tolerance for fiber can then increase your fiber intake slowly. The recommended daily fiber intake is 30-38 grams per day for men and 21-25 grams per day for women.

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