5 Statements By Mother Gaga Muhammad About Laura Anna That Upset Netizens
Janariyah - Gaga Muhammad's mother (screenshot)

JAKARTA - The case of Gaga Muhammad related to Laura Anna continues to present new facts. The closest people started to raise their voices about the two. Gaga's mother, Janariyah, dared to appear in public.

He also spoke about the relationship between Gaga and Laura. However, his statements often irritate netizens. Here are five statements by Gaga's mother Muhammad regarding Laura Anna:

Beautiful But Paralyzed

It's no secret that Laura Anna was paralyzed after an accident with Gaga Muhammad in 2019. But her mother felt disapproved because she felt Laura was looking for too much sympathy.

"What I think about is Laura without her making up stories that don't work, people already sympathize with her, it's a pity, she's beautiful, she's already paralyzed again. Without her making up stories, people have sympathy," Janariyah said to Nikita Mirzani.

Afterlife Judgment

Laura also tried to voice her opinion before leaving for good. However, all of Laura's words were called lies by Gaga's mother Muhammad. He hopes that Laura will be able to get a court in the afterlife.

"But actually what I mean by saying that, Auntie has the intention of 'be aware, let the family be aware,' with what he reported from both Deddy Corbuzier and other media, to be honest, most of them lie," said Janariyah.

"He left the slander, we haven't said anything yet, there has been no confirmation, I said he was tried there, we'll be tried here, in court," he said again.

Inquire Operation

After having an accident with Gaga, Laura Anna immediately underwent surgery. Janariyah questioned this because she felt that Laura's chances of recovering were very small.

"At that time at Mayapada, Mama herself said that the doctor said that the operation was 1,000:1 (who survived). I told her mother why if 1000:1 recovered, why was it done," said Janariyah.

No Sorry

With all the evidence and actions of Gaga Muhammad, the family did not show the good manners to apologize. He claims a story that Laura Anna seems far-fetched about, one of which is swiping an ATM.

Even Janariyah had doubts about the reason that Laura's death was due to an accident with Gaga Muhammad. "If Laura died in an accident because she was paralyzed, don't burn her right away, cremate her. That's left for now, let us re-check. What is this? Everything has been removed," said Gaga's mother Muhammad.

Greta has a crush on Gaga

Janariyah claims that Laura Anna's older sister, Greta Irene, had a crush on Gaga Muhammad so she felt compelled to take revenge. Unfortunately, Gaga chose her sister but their relationship ended just like that.

This answer came when Nikita Mirzani asked if anyone had a crush on Gaga and the following was her mother's answer.

"In that case, yes, maybe yes, maybe no. I don't know who that person is. But like this, especially when I see her (Greta Irene) she feels hurt. You know, the hurt element, apart from her sister, maybe she used to be (had a crush on Gaga)," said Janariyah as Gaga Muhammad's mother.

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