JAKARTA - What are horticultural crops? Departing from Latin, hortus (garden plant) and cultura (cultivation). Taken together, horticultural crops mean the cultivation of garden crops.

Broadly, horticultural crops can also cover a wider scope of locations, including traditional and modern agricultural production. Horticultural plants have the characteristics of fresh products, but are easily damaged or do not last long.

So, horticultural crops more often lead to consumer products such as fruit in orchards, although there are also ornamental plants. If you have a hobby of gardening, it's time to have horticultural plants that are suitable for cultivation at home!

Onion Plant

Leeks, onions, and garlic are three types of onions that can be grown at home. Onion plants are suitable in areas with a dry climate and sufficient sunlight.

In addition, this method of growing horticultural plants is also quite flexible with only a small garden area, such as a garden on the roof. Start with the seeds of the desired type of onion, then prepare the planting area in the form of small land or in polybags. Have regular watering, fireplaces and weeding.

Chili plant

Chili plant prices soared? No need to worry if you have chili horticultural plants at home. You don't need a large area to plant chilies because chili growing media is quite easy, it can be in polybags or flower pots.

Chili is very suitable in Indonesia's hot climate, but don't neglect to water it so it doesn't dry out, become stunted, or fall out. Also monitor the pH of the soil by adding lime for more ideal growing conditions.


As a type of horticultural plant that is widely used in Indonesian society, tomato is a product that is included in the category commonly grown in vegetable and fruit gardens.

Rich in nutritional content, this horticultural plant is often a favorite to be added to dishes, served raw as a dessert, and even used as a medicinal plant as a basic ingredient of medicine to cure diseases.

There are several varieties of tomatoes that can be used as horticultural crops. The most important thing is the quality of tomato seedlings. So, make sure you choose the best types of seeds for the best tomato horticulture!

Vegetable mustard

Although not native to Indonesia, the mustard horticultural plant remains a favorite because it is suitable for the climate, weather and soil of Indonesia. Mustard is also generally resistant to rain, hot weather, and does not see the height of the plains so that it can thrive.

Therefore, the cultivation of mustard horticulture generally follows general plant care methods, such as cultivating the land, preparing seeds, planting, fertilizing, and maintaining routinely.

Pandan leaves

Fragrant and efficacious, growing pandan can provide a variety of patent solutions for households. Starting from being a cooking ingredient when cooking in the kitchen, overcoming stomach pain, lack of appetite, neutralizing toxins, to getting rid of unpleasant odors.

Pandan is also easy to cultivate at home. Just provide a patch of soil or a medium-sized pot in a shady, easy-to-water location. Pandan can be a sweetener in the home garden too.

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