Avoid 7 Bad Habits That Disrupt Dental And Oral Health
Illustration of bad habits that damage teeth and oral health (Freepik/Cookie Studio)

JAKARTA – Oral health includes the health of teeth, gums, and parts of the face involved in smiling, chewing, and speaking activities. According to 2020 data reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 40 percent of adults report experiencing pain in their mouth. While 90 percent of adults experience tooth decay.

If you are one of them who has experienced complaints on teeth and mouth, then there is no need to delay any longer to stop bad habits so that they don't get worse. The following habits, can significantly make your teeth damaged and interfere with oral health.

1. Using the wrong toothbrush

Hard-bristled toothbrushes can hurt your gums. It can even make the surface of the root of the tooth abrasion. So it is advisable to use a toothbrush with bristles and tassels that do not have the potential to injure the gums.

2. The wrong way to brush your teeth

Even when you have chosen the right toothbrush, the wrong way to brush your teeth can still damage your teeth. The right way to brush your teeth is to use gentle circular motions to break up plaque buildup and expel bacteria from the tooth surface.

Brushing your teeth too often can damage tooth enamel. That is, twice a day or morning and night is enough to clean your teeth and mouth.

3. Biting nails

Habits when nervous, biting nails can damage teeth. This can cause small fractures in the teeth.

4. Grinding teeth

For example, when it's cold, your teeth chatter when your jaw is clenched. This causes teeth to loosen and loosen. It can even cause jaw pain.

5. Chewing ice cubes

You will feel pain when you force your teeth to crush ice cubes like the blades of a blender. Cold temperatures on ice can damage teeth, especially before you eat warm food. This habit needs to be avoided, instead of chewing ice cubes it is better to leave the task to an ice pick.

6. Using teeth as an opening tool

Neither bottle openers nor snack packs are designed to be a dental chore. Just like chewing ice, biting your nails, and grinding your teeth, this habit is at risk of breaking or cracking teeth.

7. Drink coffee and soda for a long time

Do you finish a cup of coffee in 3-5 hours? This can damage teeth due to the acidity of the coffee. Under normal conditions, saliva is a cleanser of plaque and acidity that erodes enamel. But when you drink a cup of coffee for a long time, saliva has no power to neutralize the acid. So it is advisable to shorten the time sipping a cup of coffee or fizzy drinks.

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