JAKARTA – No one teaches how to understand the mindset of others, especially couples. Therefore, you need to recognize the way your male partner thinks wisely. Not to dig deeper into differences, but to need to be recognized so that there is harmony in a love relationship.

Here, the mindset of a man that needs to be understood and can be used as a basis for sharing roles in your love relationship so that it lasts and minimizes conflict.

1. You can think about one thing at a time

Women may be able to multitask, while at work they can order food for people at home. But it's different for men, they can think about one thing at a time. Men tend to compartmentalize their minds rather than having mixed thoughts.

2. Men often speak through their actions

Reported by All Women's Talk, Monday, January 3, a man will tell his girlfriend or wife that he loves her. But instead of explaining how big it is, he will show it through his actions. Men, usually don't go overboard with their words. This is because actions mean more to him than words.

3. Tend to think for a long time before expressing his thoughts

Men are generally more patient in situations, such as waiting to hear from a friend. He generally thinks longer about how they feel before speaking his mind.

pola pikir pria dewasa
Adult male mindset illustration (Unsplash/Blake Carpenter)
4. It takes time to process thoughts and feelings

When different arguments, a man may try to find space to process his thoughts and feelings. Understanding this can help you not feel hurt when your partner wants to end the argument and chooses to go out for some fresh air. Give him the time he needs to think until he is ready to discuss the situation with you.

5. Men can't think about anything

Have you ever asked your partner what he or she is thinking right now? When he says he doesn't think anything of it, trust me, he doesn't mean to hide anything. Men really have the ability to relax and not think about anything.

6. Think with logic, not emotions

When you get carried away by emotions, sometimes it is difficult to think clearly because you are carried away by feelings. But men are not like this, they can push feelings to the side far and use more logic. It's not that they don't have feelings but it's not the main basis for making important decisions for a while.

7. Don't want to be underestimated

Respect, for men to be present is so strong. They don't like to be belittled. Maybe everyone wants this behavior. So that it can be done by each partner, namely mutual respect and respect for each other's roles.

8. Say it as it is

The words between the lines are often confusing, but most men say it as it is. Symbolic and implied words are often considered a waste of time and energy, so understand how your partner is when they are straight forward.

9. Focus on what is needed and not detail oriented

In contrast to women who can identify details rigidly, men's mindset is mostly focused on what is needed. The attention span is limited especially when there are many tasks that need to be completed, meaning that it must be divided effectively and evenly.

So, if his attention to you is reduced, there is no need to be angry. Make an agreement to talk together and enjoy the atmosphere without anything else disturbing his mind.

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