JAKARTA - Denny Sumargo released the last video Laura Anna did for his YouTube channel. When visiting Densu's house, Denny Sumargo's nickname, Laura Anna accompanied by her mother and sister, Edelenyi Ameilia and Edelenyi Greta Iren the day before she died on December 15, 2021.

At first Laura seemed to have difficulty breathing. Laura was eager to tell her story. But Denny asked it slowly.

To Denny, Laura Anna admitted that she was uncomfortable with her condition which made her have to depend on other people. "It's just not useful, keep bothering people. It's useless, keep bothering people," said Laura on the YouTube channel CURHAT BANG Denny Sumargo which was uploaded on Friday, January 31.

He also admitted that he often thought about his condition. "Most of them talk to themselves, how come it's like this, when do you get well, when do you get up. It's just going out of the house, I think it's a matter of pride," said Laura.

"I'm afraid of people, sometimes bad people," he continued.

These words made Denny Sumargo silent for a few seconds. However, the next chat that amazed him was when Laura revealed the reason for breaking up with Gaga.

"I'm just waiting, when will people leave me. Because I know I won't be able to leave him. Yes, because I'm the one who's paralyzed," said Laura Anna. Hearing Laura Anna's answer, Densu praised her for being realistic in her illness.

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