JAKARTA - Cassandra Lee, who was involved in an online prostitution case, was arrested at the Aston Hotel, Central Jakarta. Cassandra Angelie's identity was strengthened by evidence in the form of underwear. On it was written Cassandra Angelie's name.

In this case, the suspects, including CA, were charged with Article 27 in conjunction with Article 45 paragraph 1 of Law Number 19/2016 concerning Amendment to Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning ITE and sentenced to 6 years in prison.

Then, Article 2 paragraph 1 of Law Number 21 of 2017 concerning the Crime of Trafficking in Persons and Article 506 of the Criminal Code and Article 296 of the Criminal Code. Here are 6 facts about the arrest of Cassandra Angelie who was on a date at a luxury hotel.

1. Sinetron Players Ikatan Cinta Initially, the police only announced that the CA artist was a soap opera actor. "We from the Cyber Sub-Directorate of the Polda Metro Jaya have succeeded in securing the soap opera artist with the initials CA who is entangled in a prostitution case," said a police member quoted from Instagram @siberpoldametrojaya, Friday, December 31.

Cassandra Angelie is a soap opera actor who plays Vera in the soap opera Ikatan Cinta. In the soap opera starring Amanda Manoppo, Cassandra Angelie plays Vera, Dennis Setiano's lover.

2. Arrested While Nude The soap opera artist with the initials CA who was involved in an online prostitution case was arrested at the Aston Hotel, Central Jakarta. When he was arrested, the CA soap opera artist was naked with a masher.

"Then at the time of the arrest they were in the hotel room in a position not wearing clothes," said the Head of Public Relations of the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes E. Zulpan to reporters, Friday, December 31.

3. Tariff of Rp. 30 million From the results of the examination, for one date, Cassandra Angelie charges Rp. 30 million. CA artist is said to have long been involved in online prostitution.

"Then the tariff (CA, ed) is IDR 30 million," said Head of Public Relations of the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes E. Zulpan.

4. It has been 5 times that Cassandra Angelie is said to have been involved in a prostitution network for a long time. To investigators, the soap opera actor admitted that he had five 'dates' with other people.

5. Arrested with Pimps

In this series of cases, continued Zulpan, his party also arrested three men with the initials KK (24), then R (25), UA (26). They are pimps in the online prostitution case.

"The three of them act as pimps, where their role is to offer sister CA to other parties who want to have sex at a certain rate," said Zulpan.

6. Driven by economic needs, Cassandra Angelie was desperate to get involved in online prostitution because of economic needs. Allegedly, his finances decreased during the COVID-19 pandemic.

"(Motif, ed) Economic needs," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes E. Zulpan to reporters, Friday, December 31.

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