JAKARTA – About half of adults worldwide experience headaches. There are various reasons for this, but for those of you who often experience left-sided headaches, these are generally triggered by the following 5 factors.

Reported by Medical News Today, Thursday, December 30, doctors generally classify headaches as primary and secondary conditions. In the primary condition, headache is the main symptom.

While secondary headaches are caused by other health problems, such as stroke, infection, and brain tumors. This secondary headache cannot be ascertained where it is experienced, because it can occur in any part of the head, including the left side. The factors that influence secondary headaches include the following list and a brief explanation.

1. Migraine

Migraines cause moderate to severe headaches that affect 12 percent of people in the United States, 17 percent of women and 6 percent of men. Migraine headaches are often followed by throbbing in one part, starting around the eyes or temples, either left or right and then spreading to the rest of the head.

The exact cause of migraines is not well understood by experts, but genetic and environmental factors play a role. Generally, migraines are experienced by someone who is stressed, experiencing hormonal changes, consuming certain foods such as alcohol, cheese, or chocolate. In fact, too much sleep and the smell of perfume can also trigger a headache.

2. Cluster headaches

About 1 percent of Americans experience cluster headaches that appear in episodes for 4-12 weeks and then stop for several years. Cluster headaches appear at the back of one eye, the temple, to the forehead.

This pain generally begins at night, usually 1-2 hours after sleep and peaks after 5-10 minutes. Associated symptoms include a runny nose, drooping eyelids, watery eyes, red face, and sweating.

Just like migraines, cluster headaches are also not known for certain but experts believe that the pain is triggered by the brain part of the hypothalamus and nerves and blood vessels of the trigeminal system that affect the face and eyes.

These headaches occur at the same time, generally in the spring or fall and 80 percent of men aged 20-50 years experience them.

3. Cervicogenic headache

The cause of left-sided headaches can be due to an injury to the neck, such as whiplash or arthritis. It can also be triggered by changes in the spinal column. A cervicogenic headache is accompanied by pain in the neck and radiates to the eye or face on one side. Vision is also blurry and sensitive to light and sound.

4. Vasculitis

Headaches on the left, may be caused by an autoimmune attack in which the body responds to harmful substances as if their blood vessels are causing the blood vessels to become inflamed or inflamed. The most common type of vasculitis is cell arteritis or temporal arteritis. It affects the blood vessels in the head and usually affects people over the age of 50.

If you have an unexplained headache, also known as a thunderclap headache, it may be due to vasculitis.

5. Brain aneurysm

Decreased function in the blood vessels of the brain, called a brain aneurysm, usually causes no symptoms unless it ruptures, bleeds, and is potentially life-threatening. Symptoms of the pain are like being hit hard on the head and one side of the body feels weak. In addition, brain aneurysms are often accompanied by symptoms of nausea, vomiting, loss of consciousness, seizures, neck pain and stiffness.

Headaches are certainly uncomfortable, but can be cured at home if the condition is not severe. Like after lack of sleep, sleeping too much, stress, and approaching the menstrual cycle, it can be overcome by simple ways such as taking a warm bath, drinking herbal tea to relax, or doing hobbies to distract tension.

But if the headache is felt continuously, either accompanied or not accompanied by other symptoms, then you need to see a doctor immediately.

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